Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It is always such a relief when you finally get a sick or injured animal to a hospital that can help them. Finally, they are in the right hands and are somewhere where someone can actually fix the problem. To have him jump out of the trailer and have so many people there and ready for him was like we could breathe again.

It would be much easier from here to simply put his medical records online and I'm sure much more accurate, but I'm not clear on the legalities of that. Nothing on them indicates that they are confidential, but I will ad lib anyway.

He was too painful for them to diagnose him, so they wanted to go straight to surgery, which I agreed to and wrote a check for $2,000 to get him on the table. To quote Ohio State, "an abdominal exploratory was performed and the displacement and torsion was corrected. An enterotomy was performed to aid in the correction and evaculate the large colon." Basically, he had 270 degree colon torsion, which was

Everyone there during the surgery was extremelly kind to us, let us watch, spent time explaining the surgery and the prognosis. They were very encouraging and patient in explaining what they were doing and what he was going through.
When the surgery was complete everyone was very pleased and his prognosis appeared quite good. We were told he had gotten there in time, he had lost none of his intestines, blood flow was good, everything was pink and we were discussing the possiblility of him making it to Congress. They told us all he had to do was to wake up and recover, all was good and we should go home and get some rest. Since I had a barn full of horses I had left at home, that is what we did. I will regret that decision for a very long time.

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